Like many before

like many before Building pressure of barometric mischievousness  i couldn't sleep thinking of what to put in this  this septic tank that i will share with all of you should i rattle this fairly imbalanced and poorly  designed canister by emptying wasted thoughts  of my co-existing cohorts that i love but not always respect  the answer came in a flash that awoke me finally and then rain the constant drip of unfixed gutters told me that it was best to put my minor to major exertions into prose or poetry to fictionalize my life truthfully and not to mention any names or change them when i felt it impossible to leave an interaction out for all those who missed my earlier rantings  well that is what they were and nothing more what will follow will hopefully not be hollow most of it will be of my unpublished work which is all of it some of it will be of long ago like photos in a closet i will  pull them out and expose them to you like a madman in an overcoat in a parking lot except for i will be the parking lot  just don't run over my face  Day 1: Return Smoking against the cold wind that battered the cancerous curls amongst the thick grey Of the day when a car passed splashing slush Upon my boots melting the ankle deep snow  Northern gravy on southern biscuits  Thoughts of home and my imminent return  To a place that seemed as foreign as Pluto  Yet much warmer in climate not in memory crossed my mind as I crossed the street  Readied my wife and began again to begin again Upon arriving I couldn't wait to see my youthful haunts: Brock's where my brother stole a porn mag, But was distraught to find out they no longer Carried such male distractions from the obedience of God and marriage, such I guess was my twins legacy;  White Stores where I took target practice on their sign  Stole many a worthless toy and ate endless potato wedges Only to find out now they are gone due to the long over due Effects of racial equality;  Newport Dry Goods whereupon I  Got a nice brown jacket only to be stolen later as an emblem To my problematic  adolescents provoking the burden Of years searching  every corner of countless northern Thrift shops only to discover what I always knew but did not Accept until now, as being the consilient albeit conspectus truth If you cant find what you are looking for, then stop looking...