The light leading into the marsh was darkened by the green monstrous bodies breaking the waves of the night.  Horror mounted the disembodied fear of travel with the hormonal imbalance due to religious fervor beckoning horizontal dismay.  The moon cracked a smile cutting through the outline of massacred stars and their astrological meaning.  And all the while I wished to dream of a moment where I could write this all down and to sleep.  The later won the bet as I was covered in minutes of minute solitude beside a warm body of reason. What brings us to this heightened awareness when yet we are snared incapacitated by the very means we seek to calm the craziness of the day's madness? It is therein the answer is coiled like a lazy dragon sleeping with eyes open yet doomed by the smokey fire from within.  I hazard to give it all up.  The opiate of friendship either of the earth and its terrestrial molesters.  But how? Upon denial of the collection of eternal consciousness do I damn myself into the marsh leaving nothing but semen and ashes behind? Beauty is the correction of essential and superficial flaws and the realization of what is cute may be covered in ugly.  So where do I find solace?  A bright tin roof blinding me of detail or the shade casting me camouflage so I may be horrified by everything?  But I am not terror and certainly not monstrous.  I am man. A measured moment after nothing.